
About us

COLEGIO BILINGÜE NUEVA GALICIA, Institution founded in 1989 by visionary people, with experience and above all, with the purpose to fulfill the educational need in Hermosillo’s society to form bilingual students with ample skills, adequate habits that incite learning and the practice of universal principles and values among their classmates and the entire school staff.
Something we consider and that we are proud of is our student body which since our beginning has been growing significantly, being so that despite the 1994 economical recession presented in our country, our student body grew.
In 2002 we acquire a lot to build what would be Colegio Bilingüe Nueva Galicia’s building.

In 2004, we began with our first middle school generation. That same year, the second story of the building was built which was concluded in 2005.
By 2007, the third story of the building was built. Currently, the school offers bilingual educational services in all three educational levels: Preschool, elementary school, and middle school.
To this day, our achievements and satisfactions are many. Therefore, we are sure to be the most complete educational offer and with sufficient stability in Hermosillo.

Preescolar, primaria y secundaria 01


Keep the pulse and impulse renovated so that our students’ education reaches the highest academic quality in each educational level, supported by an excellent well-rounded formation, leading them to appropriate the values that dignify the human being.


To be one of the best educational options in the three school levels, distinguishing ourselves as an institution that forms people that make a difference in education, values and attitudes; contributing in this way, to give society people that will collaborate to the development and grandeur of our country.


To work with continuous improvement, human quality, service, attitude, commitment, and respect towards or clients, focusing in educating our students in a well-rounded manner while taking under consideration, besides their academic, physical, artistic, and technological formation, a solid human formation based on principles and values.

Our Goals

A través del tiempo y gracias a nuestro gran equipo de personal y padres:
Middle school