
Chess Program

The Chess class is imparted at school on a classroom with the necessary elements for its development. We have official sized chessboards and pieces, a mural chessboard to exemplify matches and exercises, and a computer to use software programs related to the class. Within the work that is performed, we consider the purpose of the class as a formative one. We drive the student in the development of cognitive skills, order and a sense of cooperation, and when the student is immersed in a match, we promote his attention and concentration capacity. The student learns to classify based on priorities, ideas are organized, hypotheses generated. The student analyzes and synthesizes all the variables that he/she has considered, and when the move is performed, the student is deciding which is considered as the best option.

The benefits of practicing Chess are vast, and students develop them gradually, besides of having the option to participate in representative events in and outside the school which also allows for a socialization process to ensue with other students.
